Should you be concerned about copyright permissions?
If you are interested in quoting, copying, recording, performing, or playing copyrighted works, you need to be aware that there are some critical legal procedures to follow. Failure to know and comply with these specific laws can result in significant and costly penalties.
Here are just some of the general areas you or your agent will have to consider when using other works in your own project.
Initial evaluation, identification, word count, credit
Fair use rules, liberties, and limitations
Public domain classifications
Domestic and/or international coverage
Locating copyright holders
Verifying quotation accuracy
Music, literature, poetry, and how they differ
Broadcasting and performance rights
Internet concerns
Publishers' requirements and how they vary
Fees, royalties, and record keeping
Licenses and contracts
Terms, duration of permissions, payment schedules
Reprints and renewals
Response time considerations, board dates, and deadlines
When to negotiate
When to seek legal advice
Perhaps you're confused by the idea of obtaining permission to quote other authors in your own work--possibly overwhelmed by the very thought of having to figure it out. Or simply, as an artist or musician, you just don't have the time or the inclination to manage the details of this statutory red tape. Yet, you know that certain quote is going make your project just perfect.
Fortunately, The Meredith Agency can answer all your questions and assist you with your permissions process, leaving you free to focus on three key elements: making sure that your project is all you want it to be, completing it on time, and enjoying the creative process!
We'd be delighted to help you to make the most of your special project and get the results you deserve!